Τόσα αγόρια
Γνώρισα ένα μικρό αγόρι
που ήταν μπερδεμένο
Γνώρισα ένα άλλο
λίγο πιο μεγάλο
κάπως πιο θλιμμένο
Γνώρισα ένα τρίτο
που ήταν σαν γυναίκα
με χλωμό δέρμα
και λεπτό σαν στέκα
Τόσα αγόρια
που έχουν αρχίσει
να μοιάζουν σε εσένα
που δεν έχω γνωρίσει
Τόσα αγόρια
που θα συναντήσω
φοβάμαι στο τέλος
δεν θα σε αναγνωρίσω
Ένα αγόρι
είχε στην καρδιά του
πάντα την μαμά του
έφυγα μακριά του
Ένα άλλο αγόρι
έπινε τα βράδια
και γινόταν λιώμα
μ' αγαπάει ακόμα
Ένα ακόμα αγόρι
μου 'χε γράψει ποίημα
που δεν είχε στόρι
που δεν είχε ρίμα
I met a young boy
who was confused,
I met another one
a bit older
somewhat sadder
A met a third one
who looked like a woman,
with pale skin
and thin as a cue
So many boys
who have started
to look like you
whom I haven’t met
[With] so many boys
that I will meet,
I’m scared that in the end
I won’t recognise you
One boy
had his mother
always in his heart,
I ran away from him
Another boy
used to drink at nights
and get wasted,
he still loves me
Another boy
had written me a poem
which had no story
which had no rhyme
The word comes from κακομαθαίνω ‘to spoil [lit: to educate badly]’. The verb that would seemingly have the opposite meaning, καλομαθαίνω, essentially means the same thing, i.e., ‘spoilt’ with slightly different nuances. The difference is that καλομαθαίνω as well as κακομαθημένος -η -ο, emphasise that the person has been pampered in comfort or luxury, and that they have been indulging in a certain lifestyle or habit. While κακομαθημένος -η -ο describes an arrogant, unappreciative and unlikeable person who is used to having things offered to them, καλομαθημένος -η -ο portrays someone who has become passive and unadaptable because of excessive amenities.
It is true that ταλαιπωρώ ‘to give someone a hard time’, ταλαιπωρία ‘ordeal’ and ταλαιπωρημένος -η -ο ‘troubled, exhausted’, are rather common in Modern Greek. However, their etymology is not as well-known. The verb ταλαιπωρώ is a compound comprised of two ancient words: τάλας ‘miserable, who has suffered or endured a lot’ + πορεύω ‘to go’.
English to tolerate and atlas or Atlantic share the same root. Τhe former comes from Latin tolerō ‘to endure’, and the latter from Greek Άτλας – the mythological figure who had to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders, and whose name originated from a verb meaning ‘to suffer, to endure’.
γινόταν λιώμα
The phrase είμαι/γίνομαι λιώμα is translated as ‘to be/get wasted’, and describes reaching a state of debilitating intoxication. The noun (το) λιώμα comes from λιώνω ‘to melt [away]’ or ‘to squash’, and it is only used in this particular context.