Τα παιδιά θέλουν χορό

Αυτή χορεύει σα να είναι κουφή
Αυτός κοιτάει τα βήματα της
Και τα μποτάκια της θέλει να δει
πεταμένα στο χωλ του με τα εσώρουχα της
Αυτός χορεύει με τα μάτια κλειστά
και αυτή τον κοιτάει στο στόμα
Και όσο διψάει όλο σκέφτεται πως
θα τον πάει σπίτι να τον θάψει στο στρώμα
Της είπε «Θέλω ατμόσφαιρα»
Του είπε «Πάμε σπίτι»
Και μπήκανε και χάθηκαν
σαν δορυφόροι που ξεχάστηκαν
και κάηκαν
Τα παιδιά θέλουν χορό
Τα παιδιά θέλουν χορό
Δως τους κάτι
Δώσε τους κάτι
Αυτός έχει στην πλάτη φτερά
γελά και κόβει στα δυο το σκοτάδι
σου δίνει ένα για να κάνεις βουτιά
σου λέει:
«Κράτα το άλλο για όταν φύγει το βράδυ»
Αυτή χορεύει σα να δύει η γη
κι όταν φοράει κραγιόν σκοτώνει
Ιδρώνει τη φανέλα, παραληρεί,
πέφτουν στην πίστα νεκροί,
η ντισκομπάλα θαμπώνει
She’s dancing as if she were deaf
He’s watching her steps
and wants to see her boots
thrown into his hallway, with her lingerie
He is dancing with eyes shut
And she is looking at his lips
and while thirsting, she keeps thinking of
taking him home, to bury him into the mattress
He told her: 'I want some atmosphere'
She told him: 'Let’s go home'
And they went in, and disappeared
like satellites that got carried away
and burnt up
Kids wanna dance
Kids wanna dance
Give ’em something
Give them something
He has wings on his back
He laughs and cuts darkness in two
He gives you one half to plunge into
He tells you:
'Keep the other [half] for when the night is gone'
She dances as if the Earth were setting
and when she wears lipstick, she’s a killer
She sweats [through] her vest, goes delirious
They drop dead on stage
The disco ball fades away
όσο διψάει
The phrase literally means: “for as long as she’s thirsty”.
The passive voice of χάνω “to lose, to miss” is [χάνομαι – χαθώ], and can mean either “to get lost” but also “to disappear”. In fact, Greek “Missing” posters read: Χάθηκε.
The passive voice of ξεχνάω “to forget” is [ξεχνιέμαι – ξεχαστώ], and can mean either “to be forgotten”, but also “to get carried away”, in the sense that the person forgets to keep being aware of their time and surroundings.
Here, it actually means “guys”, referring to the girl and the boy.
κάνεις βουτιά
The word βουτιά is the noun “dive, plunge”, so the phrase means “to take a plunge”. The verb is βουτάω, which can mean either “to dive” or “to dip”.
Usually referring to the sun, δύω means “to set”. The noun is δύση, and can mean either “sunset” or “West”.
In this context, the verb “to kill” refers to being very attractive.
The verb θαμπώνω means “to become blurry”, but it also means “to dazzle”, which could be another way of interpreting it here.