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Cupids playing with a lyre_ Roman fresco from Herculaneum_edited_edited_edited_edited_edit

Πήρα απ’ το χέρι σου νερό


Μπορείς να κάνεις ό,τι θες
μπορείς και να μη μ’ αγαπάς
και να χαρίζεις όπου θέλεις τα φιλιά σου

Πήρα απ’ το χέρι σου νερό
να το ξεχάσω δεν μπορώ
ακόμα κι αν θα στερηθώ την αγκαλιά σου

Πήρα απ’το χέρι σου νερό
τώρα θα πάρω τον καημό
και θα γυρίσω στα παλιά μου τα λημέρια

Εκεί που λιώνει η ζωή
εκεί που σβήνει η χαρά
εκεί που χάνονται ο ήλιος και τ’ αστέρια


You can do whatever you please
you can even not love me
and give away your kisses wherever you want

I took water from your hand
I cannot forget that
even if I’m deprived of your embrace

I took water from your hand
now I shall take the sorrow
and go back to my old hangouts

Where life melts away
where joy burns out
where the sun and the stars vanish


Apart from being used as a relative pronoun meaning ‘where’, for example: Το μέρος όπου ζει είναι στη μέση του πουθενά ‘The place where she lives is in the middle of nowhere.’, the word όπου is also used to mean ‘wherever’. This second usage, places it in the same group as words like: ό,τι ‘whatever’, όποιος -α -ο ‘whoever, whichever’, όποτε ‘whenever’, όπως ‘however, whichever way’, όσος -η -ο ‘however much’ and όσοι -ες -α ‘however many’.


Μπορείς να πας όπου θέλεις, με όποιον θέλεις, και για όση ώρα θέλεις, να κάνεις ό,τι θέλεις, όπως θέλεις, όποτε θέλεις. –

You can go wherever you want, with whomever you want and for however long you want, do whatever you want, any way you want, whenever you want.


Originally coming from the verb καίω ‘to burn’, the noun καημός denotes a longing, a yearning or a heartache, and an unfulfilled desire, mainly of a romantic nature. Meanings related to fire and burning are commonly used in Greek as expressions of desire, heartache, affliction or concern. A common adjective derived from καημός is καημένος ‘[literally] burnt, [figuratively] afflicted’, primarily translated as ‘poor’, as in ‘Poor you!’.


Η καημένη είναι άρρωστη – Poor her, she’s ill.


Despite its first meaning of ‘lair’, ‘hideout’ – referring to outlaws, mainly thieves –, λημέρι can figuratively mean a place that someone frequents. It originally had an initial ο- vowel, since it is derived from όλη ‘all’ + μέρα ‘day’, denoting the place one would spend their entire day at.

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